Cette carte interactive a été générée grâce à l'app embedMap : https://www.owlapps.net/modules/owlapps_apps/embedmap

Voilà le code HTML d'intégration correspondant à la carte interactive ci-dessus !

  <script src = 'https://www.owlapps.net/modules/owlapps_apps/embedmap/main.js' language="javascript" defer></script>
  <div style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:center;"> 
    <iframe name="Use the &amp;lt;outer&amp;gt; tag of &amp;lt;PolyStyle&amp;gt;&amp;lt;richDecos&amp;gt;"  style = "border:1px solid lightgrey;height:60vh;width:60vw;min-height:250px;min-width:350px;" data-owlappsmap = "yes" >
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
                  __geolink__: this polygon is to small to be displayable with a map small <strong>zoom</strong> level
                667280FA <!-- salmon color with an opacity of 40% , see: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/colors/salmon/ -->
                  <content> $[name] </content>
                  <color> blue </color>
                  <minZoom> 20 </minZoom>
                    <pixelSize> 64px </pixelSize>
                      <hotSpot x="0.3" xunits="fraction" y="0" yunits="pixels"/>
                      <!-- as you see the pointed head of the pin is not in the middle of the width (0.5) of the image but rather around 0.3, so the x value is 0.3 with "fraction" as xunits -->
                    <maxZoom> 19 </maxZoom>
          <name>  My small polygon </name>
              Fictional polygon, <br/>
              no real object/phenomenum
            this message will not be rendered in the popup because the BalloonStyle tag has priority over the description tag!
                  5.075540874379179,47.25902566581779,0 5.075739785686084,47.25899496298661,0 5.075757936424637,47.25908035000109,0 5.075577503345499,47.25911881544968,0 5.075540874379179,47.25902566581779,0


Video demo: