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93rd United States Congress

93rd United States Congress

The 93rd United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C., from January 3, 1973, to January 3, 1975, during the last 18 months of Richard Nixon's presidency, and the first 6 months of Gerald Ford's. This Congress was the first (and, to date, only) Congress with more than two Senate presidents (in this case, three). After the resignation of Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford was appointed under the authority of the newly ratified 25th Amendment. Ford became president the next year and Nelson Rockefeller was appointed in his place. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the 1970 United States census. Both chambers had a Democratic majority.

Major events

  • January 20, 1973: President Richard Nixon began his second term.
  • January 22, 1973: Supreme Court issued abortion decision, Roe v. Wade
  • January 27, 1973: Paris Peace Accords signed
  • October 10, 1973: Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned
  • October 20, 1973: Saturday Night Massacre
  • October 30, 1973: Impeachment proceedings against President Nixon initiated
  • December 6, 1973: Vice President Gerald Ford confirmed and inaugurated
  • August 9, 1974: President Richard Nixon resigned, Vice President Gerald Ford became president
  • November 5, 1974: United States midterm elections: Democrats increased their majorities in both houses
  • December 19, 1974: Vice President Nelson Rockefeller confirmed and inaugurated
    • First television broadcast from the Senate chamber, as Nelson Rockefeller was sworn into office

Major legislation

  • July 1, 1973: Case–Church Amendment, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–52, title I, 87 Stat. 130
  • August 13, 1973: Federal Aid Highway Act of 1973, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–87, title I, 87 Stat. 250
  • September 26, 1973: Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–112, 87 Stat. 355
  • October 1, 1973: Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973 (VISTA), Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–113, 87 Stat. 394
  • October 4, 1973: Oil Pollution Act of 1973, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–119, 87 Stat. 424-2
  • November 3, 1973: Amtrak Improvement Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–146, 87 Stat. 548
  • November 7, 1973: War Powers Resolution, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–148, 87 Stat. 555
  • December 28, 1973: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–203
  • December 28, 1973: Endangered Species Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–205, 87 Stat. 884
  • December 29, 1973: Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–222
  • March 7, 1974: Water Resources Development Act of 1974, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–251, 88 Stat. 34
  • May 22, 1974: Disaster Relief Act of 1974, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–288, 88 Stat. 143
  • July 12, 1974: Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–344, 88 Stat. 297
  • July 25, 1974: Legal Services Corporation Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–355, 88 Stat. 378
  • August 21, 1974: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–380, title V, §513, 88 Stat. 571
  • September 2, 1974: Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–406, 88 Stat. 829
  • September 7, 1974: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–415, 88 Stat. 1109
  • October 15, 1974: Federal Election Campaign Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–443, 88 Stat. 1263
  • October 28, 1974: Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–495, 88 Stat. 1521
  • October 29, 1974: Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–498, 88 Stat. 1535
  • November 26, 1974: National Mass Transportation Assistance Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–503, 88 Stat. 1565
  • December 3, 1974: Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–508, 88 Stat. 1578
  • December 16, 1974: Safe Drinking Water Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–523, 88 Stat. 1660
  • December 31, 1974: Privacy Act of 1974, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–579, 88 Stat. 1896
  • January 2, 1975: An Act to Establish Rules of Evidence for Certain Courts and Proceedings, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–595, 88 Stat. 1926
  • January 3, 1975: Trade Act of 1974, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–618, 88 Stat. 1978
  • January 3, 1975: Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–633, title I, 88 Stat. 2156
  • January 4, 1975: Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–637, 88 Stat. 2183
  • January 4, 1975: Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–638, 88 Stat. 2203
  • January 4, 1975: National Health Planning and Resources Development Act, Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 93–641, 88 Stat. 2225


  • May 17, 1973: Watergate hearings began (Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities)
  • May 9, 1974: Hearings on the impeachment of President Nixon began (House Judiciary Committee)

Party summary


House of Representatives



  • President: Spiro Agnew (R) until October 10, 1973
    • Gerald Ford (R) December 6, 1973 – August 9, 1974
      • Nelson Rockefeller (R) from December 19, 1974
  • President pro tempore: James Eastland (D)
  • Permanent acting president pro tempore: Lee Metcalf (D)

Majority (Democratic) leadership

  • Majority Leader: Mike Mansfield
  • Majority Whip: Robert Byrd
  • Democratic Caucus Secretary: Frank Moss

Minority (Republican) leadership

  • Minority Leader: Hugh Scott
  • Minority Whip: Robert P. Griffin
  • Republican Conference Chairman: Norris Cotton
  • Republican Conference Secretary: Wallace F. Bennett
  • National Senatorial Committee Chair: Bill Brock
  • Policy Committee Chairman: John Tower

House of Representatives

  • Speaker: Carl Albert (D)

Majority (Democratic) leadership

  • Majority Leader: Tip O'Neill
  • Majority Whip: John J. McFall
  • Democratic Caucus Chairman: Olin E. Teague
  • Democratic Caucus Secretary: Leonor Sullivan
  • Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: Wayne Hays

Minority (Republican) leadership

  • Minority Leader: Gerald Ford until December 6, 1973
    • John Jacob Rhodes from December 7, 1973
  • Minority Whip: Leslie C. Arends
  • Republican Conference Chairman: John B. Anderson
  • Republican Conference Vice-Chairman: Samuel L. Devine
  • Republican Conference Secretary: Jack Edwards
  • Policy Committee Chairman: Barber Conable
  • Republican Campaign Committee Chairman: Robert H. Michel


  • Congressional Black Caucus
  • House Democratic Caucus
  • Senate Democratic Caucus


This list is arranged by chamber, then by state. Senators are listed by class, and representatives are listed by district.

Skip down to House of Representatives


Senators are popularly elected statewide every two years, with one-third beginning new six-year terms with each Congress. Preceding the names in the list below are Senate class numbers, which indicate the cycle of their election. In this Congress, Class 1 means their term began in the last Congress, facing re-election in 1976; Class 2 means their term began with this Congress, facing re-election in 1978; and Class 3 means their term ended with this Congress, facing re-election in 1974.

House of Representatives

The names of members of the House of Representatives are preceded by their district numbers.

Changes in membership


House of Representatives

There were three deaths before this Congress began.


Lists of committees and their party leaders for members of the House and Senate committees can be found through the Official Congressional Directory at the bottom of this article. The directory after the pages of terms of service lists committees of the Senate, House (Standing with Subcommittees, Select and Special) and Joint and, after that, House/Senate committee assignments. On the committees section of the House and Senate in the Official Congressional Directory, the committee's members on the first row on the left side shows the chairman of the committee and on the right side shows the ranking member of the committee.


  • Aging (Special) (Chair: Frank Church)
  • Aeronautical and Space Sciences (Chair: Frank Moss; Ranking Member: Barry Goldwater)
  • Agriculture and Forestry (Chair: Herman Talmadge; Ranking Member: Carl T. Curtis)
    • Environment, Soil Conservation and Forestry (Chair: James Eastland; Ranking Member: Jesse Helms)
    • Agriculture Credit and Rural Electrification (Chair: George McGovern; Ranking Member: George D. Aiken)
    • Agricultural Production, Marketing and Stabilization of Prices (Chair: Walter "Dee" Huddleston; Ranking Member: Milton R. Young)
    • Agricultural Research and General Legislation (Chair: James Allen; Ranking Member: Bob Dole)
    • Rural Development (Chair: Dick Clark; Ranking Member: Carl T. Curtis)
    • Foreign Agricultural Policy (Chair: Hubert Humphrey; Ranking Member: Henry Bellmon)
  • Appropriations (Chair: John L. McClellan; Ranking Member: Milton Young)
    • Agriculture, Environmental and Consumer Protection (Chair: Gale W. McGee; Ranking Member: Hiram L. Fong)
    • Defense (Chair: John L. McClellan; Ranking Member: Milton R. Young)
    • Intelligence Operations (Chair: John L. McClellan; Ranking Member: Milton R. Young)
    • District of Columbia (Chair: Birch Bayh; Ranking Member: Charles Mathias)
    • Foreign Operations (Chair: Daniel Inouye; Ranking Member: Edward W. Brooke)
    • Housing and Urban Development, Space, Science and Veterans (Chair: William Proxmire; Ranking Member: Charles Mathias)
    • Interior (Chair: Alan Bible; Ranking Member: Ted Stevens)
    • Labor, Health, Education and Welfare (Chair: Warren Magnuson; Ranking Member: Norris Cotton)
    • Legislative (Chair: Fritz Hollings; Ranking Member: Norris Cotton)
    • Military Construction (Chair: Mike Mansfield; Ranking Member: Richard S. Schweiker)
    • Public Works, AEC (Chair: John C. Stennis; Ranking Member: Mark O. Hatfield)
    • State, Justice, Commerce and the Judiciary (Chair: John Pastore; Ranking Member: Roman L. Hruska)
    • Transportation (Chair: Robert Byrd; Ranking Member: Clifford P. Case)
    • Treasury, U.S. Postal Service and General Government (Chair: Joseph Montoya; Ranking Member: Henry Bellmon)
  • Armed Services (Chair: John C. Stennis; Ranking Member: Strom Thurmond)
    • Central Intelligence (Chair: John C. Stennis; Ranking Member: Peter H. Dominick)
    • Preparedness Investigating (Chair: John C. Stennis; Ranking Member: Strom Thurmond)
    • National Stockfile and Naval Petroleum Reserves (Chair: Howard Cannon; Ranking Member: William L. Scott)
    • Status of Forces (Chair: Sam Ervin; Ranking Member: William L. Scott)
    • Military Construction Authorization (Chair: Stuart Symington; Ranking Member: John Tower)
    • Arms Control (Chair: Henry M. Jackson; Ranking Member: Barry Goldwater)
    • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Safeguards (Chair: Henry M. Jackson; Ranking Member: William B. Saxbe)
    • Tactical Air Power (Chair: Howard Cannon; Ranking Member: Barry Goldwater)
    • Research and Development (Chair: Thomas J. McIntyre; Ranking Member: Peter H. Dominick)
    • General Legislation (Chair: Harry F. Byrd Jr.; Ranking Member: William B. Saxbe)
    • Reprograming of Funds (Chair: John C. Stennis; Ranking Member: John G. Tower)
    • Drug Abuse in the Military (Chair: Harold Hughes; Ranking Member: Peter H. Dominick)
  • Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs (Chair: John Sparkman; Ranking Member: John G. Tower)
    • Consumer Credit (Chair: William Proxmire; Ranking Member: Bill Brock)
    • Financial Institutions (Chair: John C. Stennis; Ranking Member: Wallace F. Bennett)
    • Housing (Chair: John J. Sparkman; Ranking Member: John G. Tower)
    • International Finance (Chair: Adlai Stevenson III; Ranking Member: Bob Packwood)
    • Production and Stabilization (Chair: J. Bennett Johnston; Ranking Member: Robert Taft Jr.)
    • Securities (Chair: Harrison A. Williams; Ranking Member: Edward W. Brooke)
    • Small Business (Chair: Alan Cranston; Ranking Member: Lowell P. Weicker)
  • Commerce (Chair: Warren Magnuson; Ranking Member: Norris Cotton)
    • Aviation (Chair: Howard Cannon; Ranking Member: Norris Cotton)
    • Communications (Chair: Frank Moss; Ranking Member: Howard H. Baker Jr.)
    • Consumer (Chair: Frank Moss; Ranking Member: Marlow W. Cook)
    • Environment (Chair: Philip Hart; Ranking Member: Marlow W. Cook)
    • Foreign Commerce and Tourism (Chair: Daniel Inouye; Ranking Member: Robert P. Griffin)
    • Merchant Marine (Chair: Russell B. Long; Ranking Member: J. Glenn Beall Jr.)
    • Oceans and Atmosphere (Chair: Fritz Hollings; Ranking Member: Ted Stevens)
    • Surface and Transportation (Chair: Vance Hartke; Ranking Member: James B. Pearson)
  • District of Columbia (Chair: Thomas Eagleton; Ranking Member: Charles Mathias)
    • Business, Commerce and Judiciary (Chair: Adlai Stevenson III; Ranking Member: Pete V. Domenici)
    • Fiscal Affairs (Chair: Thomas Eagleton; Ranking Member: Dewey F. Bartlett)
    • Public Health, Education, Welfare and Safety (Chair: John V. Tunney; Ranking Member: Charles Mathias)
  • Finance (Chair: Abraham Ribicoff; Ranking Member: Wallace F. Bennett)
    • International Trade (Chair: Abraham Ribicoff; Ranking Member: Paul Fannin)
    • Health (Chair: Herman Talmadge; Ranking Member: Clifford P. Hansen)
    • Private Pension Plans (Chair: Gaylord Nelson; Ranking Member: Carl T. Curtis)
    • State Taxation of Interstate Commerce (Chair: Walter Mondale; Ranking Member: Clifford P. Hansen)
    • Foundations (Chair: Vance Hartke; Ranking Member: Carl T. Curtis)
    • International Finance and Resource (Chair: Harry F. Byrd Jr.; Ranking Member: Bob Dole)
  • Foreign Relations (Chair: J. William Fulbright; Ranking Member: George D. Aiken)
    • Near Eastern Affairs (Chair: J. William Fulbright; Ranking Member: George D. Aiken)
    • European Affairs (Chair: John Sparkman; Ranking Member: Clifford P. Case)
    • Far Eastern Affairs (Chair: Mike Mansfield; Ranking Member: George D. Aiken)
    • Oceans and International Environment (Chair: Claiborne Pell; Ranking Member: Clifford P. Case)
    • Western Hemisphere Affairs (Chair: Gale W. McGee; Ranking Member: George D. Aiken)
    • Arms Control, International Law and Organization (Chair: Edmund Muskie; Ranking Member: Clifford P. Case)
    • South Asian Affairs (Chair: George McGovern; Ranking Member: Charles H. Percy)
    • African Affairs (Chair: Hubert Humphrey; Ranking Member: James B. Pearson)
    • U.S. Security Agreements and Commitments Aboard (Chair: Stuart Symington; Ranking Member: George D. Aiken)
    • Multinational Corporations (Chair: Frank Church; Ranking Member: Frank Church)
  • Government Operations (Chair: Sam Ervin; Ranking Member: Charles H. Percy)
    • Permanent Investigations (Chair: Henry M. Jackson; Ranking Member: Charles H. Percy)
    • Intergovernmental Relations (Chair: Edmund Muskie; Ranking Member: Edward J. Gurney)
    • Reorganization, Research and International Organizations (Chair: Abraham Ribicoff; Ranking Member: Jacob K. Javits)
    • Budgeting, Management and Expenditures (Chair: Lee Metcalf; Ranking Member: William B. Saxbe)
    • Surplus Property (Ad Hoc) (Chair: James Allen; Ranking Member: Edward J. Gurney)
    • Inpoundment of Funds (Ad Hoc) (Chair: Lawton Chiles; Ranking Member: Charles H. Percy)
    • Procurement (Ad Hoc) (Chair: Lawton Chiles; Ranking Member: William V. Roth Jr.)
  • Interior and Insular Affairs (Chair: Henry M. Jackson; Ranking Member: Paul J. Fannin)
    • Indian Affairs (Chair: James Abourezk; Ranking Member: Dewey F. Bartlett)
    • Minerals, Materials and Fuels (Chair: Lee Metcalf; Ranking Member: James L. Buckley)
    • Parks and Recreation (Chair: Alan Bible; Ranking Member: Clifford P. Hansen)
    • Public Lands (Chair: Floyd Haskell; Ranking Member: James A. McClure)
    • Territories and Insular Affairs (Chair: J. Bennett Johnston; Ranking Member: Paul J. Fannin)
    • Water and Power Resources (Chair: Frank Church; Ranking Member: Mark O. Hatfield)
  • Judiciary (Chair: James Eastland; Ranking Member: Roman L. Hruska)
    • Administrative Practice and Procedure (Chair: Ted Kennedy; Ranking Member: Strom Thurmond)
    • Antitrust Monopoly (Chair: Philip Hart; Ranking Member: Roman L. Hruska)
    • Constitutional Amendments (Chair: Birch Bayh; Ranking Member: Marlow W. Cook)
    • Constitutional Rights (Chair: Sam Ervin; Ranking Member: Edward J. Gurney)
    • Criminal Laws and Procedures (Chair: John L. McClellan; Ranking Member: Roman L. Hruska)
    • FBI Oversight (Chair: James O. Eastland; Ranking Member: Roman L. Hruska)
    • Federal Charters, Holidays and Celebrations (Chair: James Eastland; Ranking Member: John L. McClellan)
    • Immigration and Naturalization (Chair: James Eastland; Ranking Member: Hiram L. Fong)
    • Improvements in Judicial Machinery (Chair: Quentin Burdick; Ranking Member: Roman Hruska)
    • Internal Security (Chair: James Eastland; Ranking Member: Hugh Scott)
    • Juvenile Delinquency (Chair: Birch Bayh; Ranking Member: Marlow Cook)
    • Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights (Chair: John L. McClellan; Ranking Member: Hugh Scott)
    • Penitentiaries (Chair: Quentin Burdick; Ranking Member: Marlow W. Cook)
    • Rufugees and Escapees (Chair: Ted Kennedy; Ranking Member: Hiram L. Fong)
    • Revision and Codification (Chair: Sam Ervin; Ranking Member: Hugh Scott)
    • Separation of Powers (Chair: Sam Ervin; Ranking Member: Charles Mathias)
  • Labor and Public Welfare (Chair: Harrison A. Williams; Ranking Member: Jacob K. Javits)
    • Labor (Chair: Harrison A. Williams; Ranking Member: Jacob K. Javits)
    • Handicapped Workers (Chair: Jennings Randolph; Ranking Member: Robert T. Stafford)
    • Education (Chair: Claiborne Pell; Ranking Member: Peter H. Dominick)
    • Health (Chair: Ted Kennedy; Ranking Member: Richard S. Schweiker)
    • Employment, Poverty and Migratory Labor (Chair: Gaylord Nelson; Ranking Member: Robert Taft Jr.)
    • Children and Youth (Chair: Walter Mondale; Ranking Member: Robert Taft Jr.)
    • Aging (Chair: Thomas Eagleton; Ranking Member: J. Glenn Beall Jr.)
    • Railroad Retirement (Chair: William Hathaway; Ranking Member: Richard S. Schweiker)
    • Alcoholism and Narcotics (Chair: Harold Hughes; Ranking Member: Richard S. Schweiker)
    • Arts and Humanities (Chair: Claiborne Pell; Ranking Member: Jacob K. Javits)
    • National Science Foundation (Chair: Ted Kennedy; Ranking Member: Peter H. Dominick)
    • Human Resources (Chair: Alan Cranston; Ranking Member: J. Glenn Beall Jr.)
  • Nutrition and Human Needs (Select) (Chair: George McGovern)
  • Post Office and Civil Service (Chair: Gale W. McGee; Ranking Member: Hiram L. Fong)
    • Civil Service Policies and Practices (Chair: Jennings Randolph; Ranking Member: Henry Bellmon)
    • Compensation and Employment Benefits (Chair: Quentin Burdick; Ranking Member: Ted Stevens)
    • Postal Operations (Chair: Fritz Hollings; Ranking Member: William B. Saxbe)
  • Presidential Campaign Activities (Select) (Chair: Sam J. Ervin Jr.)
  • Public Works (Chair: Jennings Randolph; Ranking Member: Howard H. Baker Jr.)
    • Air and Water Pollution (Chair: Edmund Muskie; Ranking Member: James L. Buckley)
    • Economic Development (Chair: Joseph Montoya; Ranking Member: James A. McClure)
    • Water Resources (Chair: Mike Gravel; Ranking Member: William L. Scott)
    • Roads (Chair: Lloyd Bentsen; Ranking Member: Robert T. Stafford)
    • Disaster Relief (Chair: Quentin Burdick; Ranking Member: Pete Domenici)
    • Buildings and Grounds (Chair: Dick Clark; Ranking Member: William L. Scott)
  • Rules and Administration (Chair: Howard Cannon; Ranking Member: Marlow W. Cook)
    • Standing Rules of the Senate (Chair: Robert Byrd; Ranking Member: Robert P. Griffin)
    • Privileges and Elections (Chair: Claiborne Pell; Ranking Member: Mark O. Hatfield)
    • Printing (Chair: Howard Cannon; Ranking Member: Hugh Scott)
    • Library (Chair: Howard Cannon; Ranking Member: Mark O. Hatfield)
    • Smithsonian Institution (Chair: James Allen; Ranking Member: Marlow W. Cook)
    • Restaurant (Chair: James Allen; Ranking Member: Marlow W. Cook)
    • Computer Services (Chair: Howard Cannon; Ranking Member: Mark O. Hatfield)
  • Secret and Confidential Government Documents (Special) (Chair: [data missing])
  • Small Business (Select) (Chair: Alan Bible)
  • Standards and Conduct (Select) (Chair: Frank Church)
  • Termination of the National Emergency (Special) (Chair: Frank Church)
  • Veterans' Affairs (Chair: Vance Hartke; Ranking Member: Clifford P. Hansen)
    • Housing and Insurance (Chair: Harold Hughes; Ranking Member: James A. McClure)
    • Readjustment, Education and Employment (Chair: Vance Hartke; Ranking Member: Robert T. Stafford)
    • Health and Hospitals (Chair: Alan Cranston; Ranking Member: Strom Thurmond)
    • Compensation and Pensions (Chair: Herman Talmadge; Ranking Member: Clifford P. Hansen)
  • Whole

House of Representatives

  • Agriculture (Chair: William R. Poage; Ranking Member: Charles M. Teague)
    • Cotton (Chair: B. F. Sisk; Ranking Member: Robert B. Mathias)
    • Dairy and Poultry (Chair: Ed Jones; Ranking Member: William C. Wampler)
    • Forests (Chair: John Rarick; Ranking Member: George A. Goodling)
    • Livestock and Grains (Chair: Tom Foley; Ranking Member: Wiley Mayne)
    • Oilseeds and Rice (Chair: Walter B. Jones Sr.; Ranking Member: William C. Wampler)
    • Tobacco (Chair: Frank Stubblefield; Ranking Member: Wilmer Mizell)
    • Conservation and Credit (Chair: William R. Poage; Ranking Member: John M. Zwach)
    • Domestic Marketing and Consumer Relations (Chair: Joseph P. Vigorito; Ranking Member: George A. Goodling)
    • Department Operations (Chair: Kika de la Garza; Ranking Member: Bob Price)
    • Family Farms and Rural Development (Chair: William Vollie Alexander Jr.; Ranking Member: Keith G. Sebelius)
  • Appropriations (Chair: George H. Mahon; Ranking Member: Elford A. Cederberg)
    • Agriculture, Environmental and Consumer Protection (Chair: Jamie Whitten; Ranking Member: Mark Andrews)
    • Defense (Chair: George H. Mahon; Ranking Member: William E. Minshall)
    • District of Columbia (Chair: William Natcher; Ranking Member: John T. Myers)
    • Foreign Operations (Chair: Otto Passman; Ranking Member: Garner E. Shriver)
    • Housing and Urban Development/Space, Science and Veterans (Chair: Edward Boland; Ranking Member: Burt L. Talcott)
    • Interior (Chair: Julia Butler Hansen; Ranking Member: Joseph M. McDade)
    • Labor, Health, Education and Welfare (Chair: Dan Flood; Ranking Member: Robert H. Michel)
    • Legislative (Chair: Robert R. Casey; Ranking Member: Louis C. Wyman)
    • Military Construction (Chair: Bob Sikes; Ranking Member: Robert C. McEwen)
    • Public Works (Chair: Joe L. Evins; Ranking Member: Glenn Robert Davis)
    • State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary (Chair: John J. Rooney; Ranking Member: Elford A. Cederberg)
    • Transportation (Chair: John J. Rooney; Ranking Member: Silvio O. Conte)
    • Treasury, Postal Service and General Government (Chair: Tom Steed; Ranking Member: Howard W. Robison)
  • Armed Services (Chair: F. Edward Hébert; Ranking Member: William G. Bray)
    • Subcommittee No.#1 (Chair: Melvin Price; Ranking Member: Charles S. Gubser)
    • Subcommittee No.#2 (Chair: O. C. Fisher; Ranking Member: William L. Dickinson)
    • Subcommittee No.#3 (Chair: Charles E. Bennett; Ranking Member: Bob Wilson)
    • Subcommittee No.#4 (Chair: Samuel S. Stratton; Ranking Member: John E. Hunt)
    • Subcommittee No.#5 (Chair: Otis G. Pike; Ranking Member: Carleton J. King)
    • Intelligence (Chair: Lucien Nedzi; Ranking Member: William G. Bray)
    • Human Relations (Chair: Floyd Hicks; Ranking Member: John E. Hunt)
    • Armed Services Investigation (Chair: F. Edward Hébert; Ranking Member: Leslie C. Arends)
  • Banking and Currency (Chair: Wright Patman; Ranking Member: William B. Widnall)
    • Domestic Finance (Chair: Wright Patman; Ranking Member: Phil Crane)
    • Housing (Chair: William A. Barrett; Ranking Member: William B. Widnall)
    • Consumer Affairs (Chair: Leonor Sullivan; Ranking Member: Chalmers P. Wylie)
    • International Trade (Chair: Thomas L. Ashley; Ranking Member: Benjamin B. Blackburn)
    • Small Business (Chair: Robert Grier Stephens Jr.; Ranking Member: J. William Stanton)
    • Bank Supervision and Insurance (Chair: Fernand St. Germain; Ranking Member: John H. Rousselot)
    • International Finance (Chair: Henry B. González; Ranking Member: Albert W. Johnson)
    • Urban Mass Transit (Chair: Joseph Minish; Ranking Member: Garry E. Brown)
  • Crime (Select) (Chair: [data missing]; Ranking Member: [data missing])
  • District of Columbia (Chair: Charles Diggs; Ranking Member: Ancher Nelsen)
    • Business, Commerce and Taxation (Chair: W. S. Stuckey Jr.; Ranking Member: Bill Harsha)
    • Education (Chair: Ron Dellums; Ranking Member: Stewart B. McKinney)
    • Government Operations (Chair: Brock Adams; Ranking Member: Earl F. Landgrebe)
    • Judiciary (Chair: Walter Fauntroy; Ranking Member: Henry P. Smith III)
    • Labor, Social Services and the International Community (Chair: Romano Mazzoli; Ranking Member: Gilbert Gude)
    • Revenue and Financial Services (Chair: Thomas M. Rees; Ranking Member: Joel T. Broyhill)
  • Education and Labor (Chair: Carl D. Perkins; Ranking Member: Al Quie)
    • Education (Chair: Carl D. Perkins; Ranking Member: Alphonso Bell)
    • Labor (Chair: Frank Thompson; Ranking Member: John M. Ashbrook)
  • Foreign Affairs (Chair: Thomas E. Morgan; Ranking Member: John N. Erlenborn)
    • National Security Policy and Scientific Developments (Chair: Clement J. Zablocki; Ranking Member: Marvin L. Esch)
    • State Department Organization and Foreign Operations (Chair: Wayne Hays; Ranking Member: Edwin D. Eshleman)
    • Inter-American Affairs (Chair: Dante Fascell; Ranking Member: Vernon W. Thomson)
    • Africa (Chair: Charles Diggs; Ranking Member: Edward J. Derwinski)
    • Asian and Pacific Affairs (Chair: Robert N. C. Nix Sr.; Ranking Member: William S. Broomfield)
    • International Organizations and Movements (Chair: Donald M. Fraser; Ranking Member: H. R. Gross)
    • Europe (Chair: Benjamin Stanley Rosenthal; Ranking Member: Peter Frelinghuysen)
    • Foreign Economic Policy (Chair: John Culver; Ranking Member: J. Herbert Burke)
    • Near East and South Asia (Chair: Lee H. Hamilton; Ranking Member: John H. Buchanan Jr.)
    • Foreign Aid Programs (Chair: Thomas E. Morgan; Ranking Member: William S. Mailliard)
  • Government Operations (Chair: Chester E. Holifield; Ranking Member: Frank Horton)
    • Conservation and Natural Resources (Chair: Henry S. Reuss; Ranking Member: Guy Vander Jagt)
    • Foreign Operations and Government Information (Chair: William S. Moorhead; Ranking Member: John N. Erlenborn)
    • Government Activities (Chair: Jack Brooks; Ranking Member: John H. Buchanan Jr.)
    • Intergovernmental Relations (Chair: Lawrence H. Fountain; Ranking Member: Clarence J. Brown)
    • Legal and Monetary Affairs (Chair: William J. Randall; Ranking Member: Sam Steiger)
    • Legislation and Military Operations (Chair: Chester E. Holifield; Ranking Member: Frank Horton)
    • Special Studies (Chair: Floyd Hicks; Ranking Member: John W. Wydler)
  • House Administration (Chair: Wayne Hays; Ranking Member: William L. Dickinson)
    • Accounts (Chair: Frank Thompson; Ranking Member: Samuel L. Devine)
    • Elections (Chair: John Herman Dent; Ranking Member: R. James Harvey)
    • Library and Memorials (Chair: Lucien Nedzi; Ranking Member: James C. Cleveland)
    • Printing (Chair: John Brademas; Ranking Member: James C. Cleveland)
    • Electrical and Mechanical Office Equipment (Chair: Augustus Hawkins; Ranking Member: R. James Harvey)
    • Contracts (Chair: Thomas S. Gettys; Ranking Member: James C. Cleveland)
    • Police (Chair: Kenneth J. Gray; Ranking Member: Samuel L. Devine)
    • Personnel (Chair: Frank Annunzio; Ranking Member: Phil Crane)
  • House Beauty Shop (Select) (Chair: Martha W. Griffiths)
  • House Restaurant (Select) (Chair: John C. Kluczynski)
  • Interior and Insular Affairs (Chair: James A. Haley; Ranking Member: Craig Hosmer)
    • Environment (Chair: Mo Udall; Ranking Member: Philip E. Ruppe)
    • National Parks and Recreation (Chair: Roy A. Taylor; Ranking Member: Joe Skubitz)
    • Water and Power Resources (Chair: Harold T. Johnson; Ranking Member: Craig Hosmer)
    • Territorial and Insular Affairs (Chair: Phillip Burton; Ranking Member: Don H. Clausen)
    • Indian Affairs (Chair: Lloyd Meeds; Ranking Member: Manuel Lujan Jr.)
    • Mines and Mining (Chair: Patsy Mink; Ranking Member: John Newbold Camp)
    • Public Lands (Chair: John Melcher; Ranking Member: Sam Steiger)
  • Internal Security (Chair: Richard Howard Ichord Jr.; Ranking Member: John M. Ashbrook)
  • Interstate and Foreign Commerce (Chair: Harley Orrin Staggers; Ranking Member: Samuel L. Devine)
    • Commerce and Finance (Chair: John E. Moss; Ranking Member: Jim Broyhill)
    • Communications and Power (Chair: Torbert Macdonald; Ranking Member: Clarence J. Brown)
    • Public Health and Environment (Chair: Paul Rogers; Ranking Member: Ancher Nelsen)
    • Transportation and Aeronautics (Chair: John Jarman; Ranking Member: R. James Harvey)
    • Investigations (Chair: Harley Orrin Staggers; Ranking Member: Samuel L. Devine)
  • Judiciary (Chair: Peter W. Rodino; Ranking Member: Edward Hutchinson)
    • Civil Rights and Constitutional Rights (Chair: Don Edwards; Ranking Member: Charles E. Wiggins)
    • Claims and Governmental Relations (Chair: Harold Donohue; Ranking Member: M. Caldwell Butler)
    • Courts, Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice (Chair: Robert W. Kastenmeier; Ranking Member: M. Caldwell Butler)
    • Crime (Chair: John Conyers Jr.)
    • Criminal Justice (Chair: William L. Hungate; Ranking Member: Henry P. Smith III)
    • Immigration, Citizenship and International Law (Chair: Joshua Eilberg; Ranking Member: Hamilton Fish IV)
    • Monopolies and Commercial Law (Chair: Peter W. Rodino Jr.; Ranking Member: Edward Hutchinson)
  • Merchant Marine and Fisheries (Chair: Leonor Sullivan; Ranking Member: James R. Grover Jr.)
    • Merchant Marine (Chair: Frank M. Clark; Ranking Member: William S. Mailliard)
    • Fisheries, Wildlife Conservation and the Environment (Chair: John Dingell; Ranking Member: George A. Goodling)
    • Coast Guard and Navigation (Chair: John M. Murphy; Ranking Member: Philip E. Ruppe)
    • Oceangraphy (Chair: Thomas N. Downing; Ranking Member: Charles A. Mosher)
    • Panama Canal (Chair: Robert L. Leggett; Ranking Member: Gene Snyder)
  • Post Office and Civil Service (Chair: Thaddeus J. Dulski; Ranking Member: H.R. Gross)
    • Investigations (Chair: Thaddeus J. Dulski; Ranking Member: Walter E. Powell)
    • Postal Service (Chair: James M. Hanley; Ranking Member: Albert W. Johnson)
    • Retirement and Employee Benefits (Chair: Jerome Waldie; Ranking Member: Lawrence J. Hogan)
    • Manpower and Civil Service (Chair: David N. Henderson; Ranking Member: Edward J. Derwinski)
    • Postal Facilities, Mail and Labor Management (Chair: Charlie Wilson; Ranking Member: Elwood Hillis)
    • Census and Statistics (Chair: Richard Crawford White; Ranking Member: John H. Rousselot)
  • Public Works (Chair: John Blatnik; Ranking Member: John H. Rousselot)
    • Water Resources (Chair: Ray Roberts; Ranking Member: Bill Harsha)
    • Transportation (Chair: John C. Kluczynski; Ranking Member: Don H. Clausen)
    • Public Buildings and Grounds (Chair: Kenneth J. Gray; Ranking Member: James R. Grover Jr.)
    • Economic Development (Chair: Robert E. Jones Jr.; Ranking Member: John Paul Hammerschmidt)
    • Investigations and Review (Chair: Jim Wright; Ranking Member: James C. Cleveland)
    • Energy (Chair: James J. Howard; Ranking Member: Gene Snyder)
  • Regulate Parking (Select) (Chair: B. F. Sisk)
  • Rules (Chair: Ray Madden; Ranking Member: David T. Martin)
  • Science and Astronautics (Chair: Olin E. Teague; Ranking Member: Charles A. Mosher)
    • Aeronautics and Space Technology (Chair: Ray Madden; Ranking Member: John W. Wydler)
    • Science, Research and Development (Chair: John William Davis; Ranking Member: Alphonso Bell)
    • Manned Space Flight (Chair: Don Fuqua; Ranking Member: Larry Winn Jr.)
    • Space Science and Applications (Chair: James W. Symington; Ranking Member: Marvin L. Esch)
    • International Cooperation in Science and Space (Chair: Richard T. Hanna; Ranking Member: Louis Frey)
    • Energy (Chair: Mike McCormack; Ranking Member: Barry M. Goldwater)
  • Standards of Official Conduct (Chair: Melvin Price; Ranking Member: Jimmy Quillen)
  • Small Business (Select) (Chair: Joe L. Evins)
  • Veterans' Affairs (Chair: William Jennings Bryan Dorn; Ranking Member: John Paul Hammerschmidt)
    • Compensation and Pension (Chair: Olin E. Teague; Ranking Member: John Paul Hammerschmidt)
    • Education and Training (Chair: Henry Helstoski; Ranking Member: Margaret M. Heckler)
    • Hospitals (Chair: David E. Satterfield III)
    • Housing (Chair: Charles J. Carney; Ranking Member: Elwood Hillis)
    • Insurance (Chair: Sonny Montgomery; Ranking Member: John M. Zwach)
    • Ways and Means (Chair: Wilbur Mills; Ranking Member: Herman T. Schneebeli)
  • Whole

Joint committees

  • Atomic Energy (Chair: Rep. Charles Melvin Price; Vice Chair: Sen. John O. Pastore)
  • Congressional Operations (Chair: Sen. Lee Metcalf; Vice Chair: Rep. Jack Brooks)
  • Defense Productions (Chair: Sen. John J. Sparkman; Vice Chair: Rep. Wright Patman)
  • Economic (Chair: Rep. Wright Patman; Vice Chair: Sen. William Proxmire)
  • Internal Revenue Taxation (Chair: Sen. Russell B. Long; Ranking Member: Rep. Wilbur D. Mills)
  • The Library (Chair: Sen. Howard Cannon; Vice Chair: Rep. Lucien N. Nedzi)
  • Printing (Chair: Rep. Wayne L. Hays; Vice Chair: Sen. Howard Cannon)
  • Reduction of Federal Expenditures (Chair: Rep. George H. Mahon)
  • Budget Control (Chair: Rep. Al Ullman)


Legislative branch agency directors

  • Architect of the Capitol: George M. White
  • Attending Physician of the United States Congress: Rufus Pearson, until 1974
    • Freeman H. Cary, starting 1974
  • Comptroller General of the United States: Elmer B. Staats
  • Librarian of Congress: Lawrence Quincy Mumford, until 1974
  • Public Printer of the United States: Thomas F. McCormick, starting 1973


  • Secretary: Francis R. Valeo
  • Librarian: Roger K. Haley
  • Parliamentarian: Floyd Riddick, until 1974
    • Murray Zweben, starting 1974
  • Sergeant at Arms: William H. Wannall
  • Chaplain: Edward L.R. Elson (Presbyterian)
  • Curator: James R. Ketchum
  • Democratic Party Secretary: J. Stanley Kimmitt
  • Republican Party Secretary: J. Mark Trice, until 1974
    • William Hildenbrand, starting 1974

House of Representatives

  • Chaplain: Edward G. Latch (Methodist)
  • Clerk: W. Pat Jennings
  • Doorkeeper: William M. Miller, until December 31, 1974
    • James T. Molloy, interim
  • Parliamentarian: Lewis Deschler, until June 27, 1974
    • William Holmes Brown, appointed June 27, 1974
  • Postmaster: Robert V. Rota
  • Reading Clerk:
    • Bob Berry (R)
    • Charles W. Hackney Jr. (D)
  • Sergeant at Arms: Kenneth R. Harding

See also

  • 1972 United States elections (elections leading to this Congress)
    • 1972 United States presidential election
    • 1972 United States Senate elections
    • 1972 United States House of Representatives elections
  • 1974 United States elections (elections during this Congress, leading to the next Congress)
    • 1974 United States Senate elections
    • 1974 United States House of Representatives elections



  • Martis, Kenneth C. (1989). The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
  • Martis, Kenneth C. (1982). The Historical Atlas of United States Congressional Districts. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.


  • Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress
  • U.S. House of Representatives: Congressional History
  • U.S. Senate: Statistics and Lists
  • House of Representatives Session Calendar for the 93rd Congress (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on September 20, 2018. Retrieved June 6, 2016.
  • Congressional Pictorial Directory for the 93rd Congress.
  • Official Congressional Directory for the 93rd Congress, 1st Session.
  • Official Congressional Directory for the 93rd Congress, 2nd Session.

Collection James Bond 007

Text submitted to CC-BY-SA license. Source: 93rd United States Congress by Wikipedia (Historical)

Articles connexes

  1. List of new members of the 93rd United States Congress
  2. List of United States Congresses
  3. List of United States federal legislation
  4. List of United States senators in the 93rd Congress
  5. 1973 United States House of Representatives elections
  6. 1974 United States vice presidential confirmation
  7. 1972 United States elections
  8. 1973 United States vice presidential confirmation
  9. United States Senate Watergate Committee
  10. Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974
  11. Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act
  12. List of African-American United States representatives
  13. Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
  14. Office of the Law Revision Counsel
  15. 1972 United States House of Representatives elections
  16. Privacy Act of 1974
  17. Party divisions of United States Congresses
  18. Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
  19. Lists of United States Congress
  20. Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act